
We spend much of our lives working, making a contribution and earning a living. How we define and engage with work largely informs our experience of it. These discussions will help you identify and shape your thinking around key work-related themes.

Five Questions Everyone Asks During A Workplace Crisis

It turns out there are ways in which the extremities of a crisis can benefit you, if not already. In this sense, I think of crises as a remarkably effective calibrating force, bringing the big questions into frame.

Inbox Zero – Proven Tips To Tame Your Email For Maximum Productivity

Email will always hold special significance. It effectively democratised online communication by making everyone with an email address instantly reachable.

A Look At My WFH Setup (Here’s Where I Spent The Money)

Thanks to lockdown, the home setup has become a topical issue. In this article, I share how I’ve retooled my home setup, where I spent money, and what my reasons were.

The Journey – Building A Financial Reporting App

It would have to capture both the efficiencies and the pain points of these roles while exposing the relevant ideas and exploring them in real terms.
That’s why it had to be a financial reporting application. But the decision didn’t end there.