
We spend much of our lives working, making a contribution and earning a living. How we define and engage with work largely informs our experience of it. These discussions will help you identify and shape your thinking around key work-related themes.

15 Tips For Getting Around Google Chrome on a Mac

For better or worse, browsers are crucial to our online experience. Being savvy with them…

15 Tips For Getting Around Google Chrome on a PC

For better or worse, browsers are crucial to our online experience. Being savvy with them…

4 Uncommon Email Sign-offs You Can Try Today

I take a special interest in the sign-off section of an email – the words…

These 10 Keyboard Shortcuts Will Help You Do More In 2023.

When I started my career in finance many years ago, I was a complete novice…

Listening Is Hard. These Strategies Can Help.

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines it simply as: To pay attention to sound. Simple enough,…

Emojis Are A Thing. Here’s How To Get Started With Them.

For better or for worse, the pandemic normalised instant messaging at work. And the collaboration…

Forgotten How To Do Your Job While On Holiday? Try This!

If you’ve been on holiday in the recent past, only to get back to work…

Want To Keep Talent This Year? Try These Time Tested Strategies.

The great resignation of 2020 and 2021 is tipped to continue into this year. The…

Calling Time Out And Making A Case For Rest

In recent weeks Facebook unveiled plans to move onto a new proposition – enter the…

In Conversation With Rina Lakhman, For A Glimpse Of What The Modern Accountant Could Be.

Like many career pathways, the accounting trajectory plots linearly along axes of experience and specialisation.…